What Works for You: How to Give Back to Your Community from Assistant Director on the EY Americas Corporate Responsibility Team Carolina Dominguez-Pasaoglu


By Ken Bouyer, EY Americas Director of Inclusiveness Recruiting

EY is a global leader in assurance, consulting, strategy and transactions, and tax services with a purpose of building a better working world. While fulfilling their purpose and creating positive change through knowledge, skills, and experience, EY and GenHERation® have partnered for 10 years to close the gender leadership gap and create life-changing opportunities for high school and college women. Since its inception, EY has been a steadfast partner of GenHERation®, aligning with its mission to empower entrepreneurs. Witnessing their growth and accomplishments throughout our partnership has been deeply gratifying. EY acknowledges the urgency to address the gender gap, investing more than just financially by dedicating the time and effort of our team. This engagement with GenHERation® has proved to be both enriching and rewarding for our staff. I believe that we must actively confront the unique challenges faced by women through targeted support and awareness. This sense of urgency has been underscored by my daughter’s recent experiences in college. She has declared Biology as her major, and I have witnessed firsthand the ongoing need to raise awareness of opportunities for women in certain disciplines and how programs like this play a key role. To celebrate our partnership and further amplify our impact, we are interviewing 10 EY leaders, innovators, and changemakers to highlight their expertise and inspire the GenHERation® community to turn insight into action. 

Here is what assistant director on the EY Americas Corporate Responsibility team Carolina Dominguez-Pasaoglu had to say when asked about giving back and making an impact:

GenHERation®: What one word best describes EY?

Carolina Dominguez-Pasaoglu: Purposeful.

GenHERation®: In your current role, what are your primary responsibilities? 

Dominguez-Pasaoglu: As a Corporate Social Responsibility professional at Ernst & Young LLP (EY US), I bring to life our volunteer programs and relationships with not-for-profit organizations across the Americas. It’s a dynamic and fulfilling role where I’m able to leverage the EY platform, knowledge and people to address societal needs. Our Corporate Social Responsibility team develops the relationships, processes and resources that enable EY professionals to participate in volunteer programs that support the next generation workforce, work with impact entrepreneurs and accelerate environmental sustainability. 

GenHERation®: What are three ways you can give back to your community, whether you are a student or a professional?

Dominguez-Pasaoglu: Giving back is different for everyone; consider your passions, skills, experience and available time to discover your path. Typically, I look at time, treasure and talent. For example, you can spend time mentoring. There are young people who could benefit from your support, and what you learn along the way will improve your personal and professional relationships. You can donate to a worthy cause—think clean water or scholarships. Every little bit helps. Or you can contribute your talent and knowledge to help a not-for-profit or local business get to the next level. That could involve helping an organization streamline operations or helping launch impactful social media campaigns. Every action—no matter the size—can have a lasting impact on our communities.

GenHERation®: How do you make an impact in your role?

Dominguez-Pasaoglu: I love inspiring others to give back—even if someone only has one hour, they can make a difference. My job is to connect our people with the volunteer opportunities that leverage their skills, have the greatest impact in their communities and bring to life the EY purpose of building a better working world. Whenever I’m able to accomplish that, it’s a win for our people, it’s a win for the EY organization and it’s a win for the communities in which we live and work.

GenHERation®: What advice would you give your younger self?

Dominguez-Pasaoglu: Sometimes challenges seem impossible. You need people in your corner who root for you AND will help you figure out and test solutions. Surround yourself with people who build you up and seek out mentors to help you grow. Those are key ways to invest in yourself. What you learn from cultivating those relationships will be so critical to personal and professional success. It will help you bounce back from setbacks better and stronger.

Carolina Dominguez-Pasaoglu is an assistant director on the EY Americas Corporate Responsibility team, leading EY Ripples Programs and Strategic Collaborations. As part of her role, she develops, expands and maintains community-facing programs and third-party relationships, develops strategic priorities and consults with local teams on EY Ripples Program implementation. In 2021, Carolina joined the EY core consulting team to design and launch the EY Bridging the Digital Divide initiative. Carolina is a first-generation college graduate who holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from Barnard College at Columbia University.

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