Fossil Group Senior Manager of Global Corporate Compliance Ranti Mafolasire Explains How You Can Be a Valuable and Productive Team Member

Ranti Mafolasire is the Senior Manager of Global Corporate Compliance at Fossil Group. In her role, she supports the Chief Compliance and Privacy Officer to develop a compliance framework that identifies activities to ensure and enhance compliance, and she leads the company’s Enterprise Risk Management program (ERM) to keep abreast of internal, external, and emerging risks.

Here is what Ranti had to say when we asked her about navigating your professional journey:

GenHERation®: You have worked at PwC, Deloitte, and Fossil. What is the one skill that has allowed you to succeed at these different organizations?

Ranti Mafolasire: It is hard to sum it up in one skill, but the top skill has to be effective communication. Communicating up and down about what expectations are and trying to understand other people’s perspectives is key. Another thing is having a can-do attitude; thinking outside the box, being solution-driven. When people ask how I’m doing in the office, I respond by saying, “I’m fabulous!”

GenHERation®: How do you know when it is time to make a change whether this is in your personal or professional life?

Mafolasire: I rely a lot on my faith, and it is something that helps keep me centered. When I make major decisions, I am not rash in making them. If I don’t feel it in my spirit, I’m not going to make that change.

GenHERation®: What are three practices you utilize to be an efficient and productive team member?

Mafolasire: First, I give others grace. We’re all different and our foundation is such a big part of who we are today. Our environment and what we are exposed to growing up has a significant outlook on how we reason, see others, and our decisions. Instead of taking offense if someone says the wrong thing, make it a teaching moment. The person probably didn’t mean wrong. Second, assume positive intent. Unless the person has a consistent pattern of showing you something different, give them the benefit of the doubt. Third, never give up. I give every commitment 110%. I can always walk away from situations and projects knowing I gave it my all. 

GenHERation®: What actions should you take to improve your attention to detail skills?

Mafolasire: Discuss expectations. What needs to be done? Who is the target audience? Level set, so you know how much effort and commitment you can give as the doer. The next step is to make a plan to achieve your goal. A good practice and habit is writing it all down. I have my to-do list that is always a running list, and I pace myself to get it done. Then, follow through until the execution of the work. Lastly, check your work against the plan and the expectation. Did you meet what the person expected of you? You should follow this process with personal and career goals.

GenHERation®: How should you develop meaningful relationships with your peers, professors, and colleagues?

Mafolasire: One of the key things is being genuine. No one wants to deal with fake people. Keep it real. People appreciate someone who is able to be honest and frank, yet compassionate. It’s not about having a transactional relationship. Really get to know who you’re working with. What does your colleague do outside of work? Talk to people and get to know them. Peel back the layers, learn, and build the relationship. Also, have something to offer. Don’t always be a taker. It has to be a two-way street. Sometimes it’s about paying it forward too. 

GenHERation®: As a GenHERation® Icon Award recipient, why do you think it is important to give back and mentor the next generation of female leaders?

Mafolasire: To whom much is given, much is required. It is important to think about the next generation. What is next? How can I help the next generation of leaders? Who can I bring on to give better opportunities to? I don’t want the next generation to struggle as much as I did. “Lifting as we climb,” the NABA motto, is how I try to live my life. 

GenHERation®: What is the best piece of advice you have ever been given? 

Mafolasire: Be your best self and understand your purpose. Everybody in this world is here for a purpose. Sometimes we get sidetracked by others. If you try to live someone else’s purpose, you won’t live it well. Lean into your purpose and make it happen. 

Ranti Mafolasire is the Senior Manager of Global Corporate Compliance at Fossil Group. She was promoted to this role in March 2022. In her new role, she supports the Chief Compliance and Privacy Officer to develop a compliance framework that identifies activities to ensure and enhance compliance, and she leads the company’s Enterprise Risk Management program (ERM) to keep abreast of internal, external, and emerging risks. Her prior role at Fossil was an Internal Audit Manager. Ranti has been with Fossil Group for almost six years, and prior to joining the company, she worked at Deloitte and PwC, where she worked on internal and external audits and business process re-engineering in various industries and clients. Ranti served as a Co-Chair for the Women & Allies Employee Resource Group (ERG) @ Fossil for the Americas region. She is active with the Fossil Foundation, participating in various activities, such as Girls in the Game. She also serves as a Board Member for her church from Indianapolis, Indiana; RCCG Rod of God. Ranti is passionate about youth and truly leads with a motto from an organization she belongs to, NABA, which says, “Lifting as we climb.” She was born in Nigeria and lived her formative years in New York. Ranti has been in Dallas, Texas for over five years with her husband, Wale, and her two boys. 

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